Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Random Tuesday Thoughts


My kids and I got sunburnt on our recent camping trip.... and now our backs itch horribly. It makes me wonder if when a snake is shedding his skin does it itch and is that why they are a cranky species?

I find it really odd that I like a Miley Cyrus song...but I do. I really like The Climb. Maybe it is coming full circle since I have an obsession with Mullets and her father Billy Ray is a famous mulleteer. It is so true, we are always wishing for the outcome to happen but the journey is the true part of the process, it is what makes the memories.

My hubby just found out that his cholestrol is high and he is trying to take care of it with diet and excercise. I this has proven to be a challenge for me the chef. I do not know what to make for him. I have been diagnosed with diabetes for 2 1/2 years now and have had to learn that world and now I have to learn lower cholestrol cooking. I thought it would be somewhat easy but how am I wrong. I thought it would just be a matter of lean meats and veggies. The dude loves butter, bacon, pizza, oreos and milk, mac and cheese, eggs, chips and hotsauce. Peeps give me ideas pweeeeeessssse.

Toodlelooooooo peeps in bloggie world. I cannot wait to jump over to Keely's random world http://www.theunmom.com/ as well as Julie's (since she is on pain meds and it should be totally random!) http://www.momspective.com/.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Update on the summer

Well my kids have been in Florida with Grandma since Saturday....oh my goodness I miss the little pains in the arssses. I know Mikayla has missed us but do not think Taylor will admit it (you know that wouldn't be cool). Monday they spent the day at the Disney parks....all day long. Here they are..
Mikayla and Taylor as disney pirates
Before they left we celebrated Mikayla's 12th birthday. Here is her Monkey Cookie Cake which has marshmallow fondant for the decorations.
Mikayla 12 bday
Tomorrow they leave Florida and we are all meeting up in Georgia to camp on Lake Allatoona...yes I was a bit crazy when I planned that one-- camping in the middle of June in Georgia. Well wish us luck cuz it is gonna be HOT!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

First week of summer to brag about

OMG last night Mikayla had a swimmeet and she improved her 50 freestyle time by 3 seconds and her 50 backstroke by 8 seconds! This is an awesome accomplishment. In the years past when Mikayla played soccer we offered the incentive of icecream if she scored a goal...we were close so many times but no cigar. Well this year when she started swimming she asked how she could get icecream with swimming. Her dad and I decided if she improved her times from the meet before then she could get icecream. Guess what she could have icecream...she however decided to get cinnamelts from McDonalds after morning practice this morning. She was a happy happy girl.
Tega Cay Practice swimmeet 019
Now I have to brag on myself....I made cupcakes for the graduation party for Amber, Justin and Trent and they were adorable if I may say myself. Check out the pic and give me lots of love if you think so too! I made them with a great vanilla cupcake recipe that I found on the web (love the web)! Lots of butter in these puppies. I think that they are good based on feedback cuz being diabetic I have never tried them...I know that is like an alcoholic being a bartender! but what can I say...I am a bit twisted. Next I iced with a buttercream icing, sprinkled with school color sugar. Then here is my newest endeavor...I made homemade fondant which I then shaped into caps with the tassel. Mikayla helped me with this part, that's my girl! Again give me lots of love with comments!
Graduation party 001
Graduation party 004
Graduation party 003
Friday morning we are leaving for Georgia to have Mikayla's birthday dinner with her Auntie, J and Eli at her fave.....Olive Garden. Then Grandma and cousins get there to head on to Florida to see the Mouse! I will be attempting another fondant creation...Mikayla wants a cookie cake in the shape of a monkey head which I will hopefully decorate with fondant.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

SICK, Gatlinburg and family

the only way we could get any sleep

Holy shit I have been sick way too long. Memorial weekend I arrive in Gatlinburg to share a cabin with my parents, sister and fam, and my kiddos. Sounds like this was a huge cabin...not so much. It was a 2 bedroom with a loft. My father had the first bedroom and my sis had the other. Which left the loft for the kids and I. Which would have been fine if my father didn't stay up until 3 am watching tv cuz he couldn't sleep....he was afraid that he couldn't breath....more about that later. Anyways we arrive Friday night and after finally getting to sleep at 3 AMish I wake up the next morning with a sore throat...uhoh. I progressively got worse until time to drive home on Monday...kiddos had to go to school on Tues.
My brotherinlaw wakes up the Tues with a 104 fever and goes to the dr...and no it is not the swine flu! I had a fever too, but do not know what the temp was cuz my thermometer was from when my daughter was born just short of 12 years ago it showed me with a temp of 77 (I don't think so).
Now on to my father, when they get home he isn't feeling well either. So he goes to the dr and they do the norm checks and hear something odd in his heart. It is beating irregularly...they send him immediately to the hospital, do not pass go...straight to the hospital. Turns out that he has Atrial Fibrillation, which thanks to the internet I find that it is an irregular heart beat that creates possible blood pooling and clots. Okay I am skeerrreed now. They keep him several days run many tests and the result is that they shocked his heart like on tv with paddles to try and get it to beat normal. It worked! He was released and is now at home. The not being able to breath is a symptom of Atrial Fibrillation...HOLY SHIT!
Now here we are a week and half later and I am still SICK. I am still coughing, I am still full of snot. Will it go away?
Oh Gatlinburg is pretty cool...I would like to go back when I feel better.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Manic Monday

As the school year winds down I sit and wonder what my kids will do to stay busy. They are going to Florida for a week meeting up with Grandma and their 2 cousins that live in Texas. My MIL and daughter get along like oil and water. Grandma sometimes forgets who is the adult and will continue to argue with Mikayla. Neither backing down...and in the past none of the arguing have been over anything revelant, such as the color of a shirt. My husband believes that since it has been a few years since they have seen eachother and that Mikayla is older that they will be fine. The mom in me is nervous. One of the first summers that we lived here in S. Carolina Taylor, our son, spent a month in Texas with Grandma and his cousins. He loved it. Mikayla was not invited, Grandma didn't think she could handle the extra grandchild. I guess Mikayla was doomed from the get go since she is a lot like me and therefore a reminder to my MIL of me...not good. We have never had a great relationship. When Roger and I were dating in Florida he decided that he wanted me to go with him to Texas to meet his family. So we drove 24 straight hours and got to his brother's apartment...MIL was there and she did not even acknowledge my existence. Maybe she thought that if she ignored me that I would go away...I guess that isn't going to happen since we have been married for 18 years. She has always had a problem with my weight...it is not her fucking problem! She even pointed out a larger person once at a water park..."oh look Heather, there is someone bigger than you!" Like holy shit how can that happen. So back to the Florida trip for my kids...I get to drive them down there and drop them off in Orlando...really really not looking forward to that (seeing MIL). I do not think there are enough anxiety meds to get me through this happily. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Remember that brother's apartment I went to? Well there was something great in that visit too. I met my future sister in law that turned out to be a great friend and ally. Over the years we have lost eachother due to family issues but I have always missed our relationship, over the holidays I saw her for the first time in years and had hoped that our relationship would resume in some form of the old time. It has not. I still think of her often and hope that someday we will be friends again.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How to Shower

I had to share this from an email my sister forwarded to me. Thks Amber

How To Shower Like a Woman:

Take off clothing and place it in sectioned laundry hamper according to lights and darks.

Walk to bathroom wearing long dressing gown. If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas.

Look at your womanly physique in the mirror - make mental note to do more sit-ups/leg -lifts, etc.

Get in the shower. Use face cloth, arm cloth, leg cloth, long loofah, wide loofah and pumice stone.

Wash your hair once with cucumber and sage shampoo with 43 added vitamins.

Wash your hair again to make sure it's clean.

Condition your hair with grapefruit mint conditioner enhanced with real passion fruit.

Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for 10 minutes until red.

Wash entire rest of body with ginger nut and jaffa cake body wash.

Rinse conditioner off hair.

Shave armpits and legs.

Turn off shower.

Squeegee off all wet surfaces in shower.

Spray mold spots with Tilex.

Get out of shower and stand on bath mat.

Dry with towel the size of a small country.

Wrap hair in super absorbent towel. Return to bedroom wearing long dressing gown and towel on head.

If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas.

How To Shower Like a Man:

Take off clothes while sitting on the edge of the bed and leave them in a pile.

Walk naked to the bathroom.

If you see wife along the way, shake wiener at her making the woo-woo' sound.

Look at your manly physique in the mirror.

Admire the size of your wiener and scratch your ass.

Get in the shower Wash your face. Wash your armpits..

Blow your nose in your hands and let the water rinse them off..

Fart and laugh at how loud it sounds in the shower.

Spend majority of time washing privates and surrounding area.

Wash your butt, leaving those coarse butt hairs stuck on the soap.

Wash your hair. Make a Shampoo Mohawk.. Pee.

Rinse off and get out of shower. Avoid bath mat.

Dry off forearms and butt only.

Fail to notice water on floor because curtain was hanging out of tub the whole time.

Admire wiener size in mirror again. Shake it to watch water fly off.

Leave shower curtain open, wet mat on floor, light and fan on.

Return to bedroom with towel around waist..

If you pass wife, pull off towel, shake wiener at her and make the woo-woo' sound again.

Throw wet towel on bed.

If there is anyone among you who did not laugh at the truth behind this, there is something so very wrong with you..

Have a great day! And, 'woo woo'!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Hey check out this purse I made for one of my son's friends birthday. She is a big fan of Perry the Platypus?????
ebay stuff

This morning I had a reaction to my new med for diabetes. My bloodsugar went lower than it ever did before. I had the shakes, I was clammy but cold...it was very scary. My doc said that it was my body getting used to the lower bloodsugar and the numbers were where I needed to be... I hope it works out for the best because the label states that I should avoid prolonged periods in the sun....huh? if you know me you know that I love to be in the sun. So now I cannot have cinnamon buns and sun? That friggin sucks! Oh and I shouldn't drink cuz it can make the bloodsugar go too low. Did I say this friggin sucks? Now what will I indulge in? celery? And of course I was nagged about not exercising enough. Oh happy joy joy. Well to make lemonade (sugarfree) from these lemons....if the med brings my numbers down maybe I can have a cinnamon bun every once in awhile. We will see.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Random Tuesday Thoughts


Wow it seems that it was just RTT and here we are again.

Yesterday I discovered that one of my followers dropped me :(. I am not sure who it is but I am worrying why, did I do something wrong? was I boring? did I not follow blog etiquete. I am also wondering why being dropped by one follower could create so much thought from me. Enough of that...if they do not want to follow along with me in my blog world then au revoir.
Spring is blooming all around...the azaleas are bursting with beautiful flowers around here, it soooooo beautiful. The bumblebees are flying all around and the birds are tweeting. Kids are outside (not mine!) just loving the beautiful weather. All of this is driving Marley our cocker spaniel C R A Z Y. She has some behavior issues that make her such a nuisance to our neighbors. Every person and dog that walks by the house brings her charging towards them at the street...our electric fence usually keeps her out of their reach. Tough sometimes she decides what the hey getting zapped is worth the fun of barking at these peeps in my world. So add the extra families walking by with their strollers and dogs and it is nuts.
If anyone has any ideas on how to curve this behavior please please let me know. One of our neighbors thinks that we need the Dog Whisperer and Marley is insecure. Not sure why she would be insecure because I adore her and pamper her. There she goes now because someone is walking by....at least she isn't bothering them since the doors are closed.

It is so weird to see the company name in the news where I used to work and "retired" from...they own the ship that was hijacked. I worked for them for almost 10 years and they were never in the news or in movies. When there was a movie that was at a container yard or port their containers and vessels were not in the shot....Even though I haven't been with them for over a year I still think about them and all the friends that I have made there. So it is odd to see them in the news.

Well friends...I think I have succeeded in being very random today since I have been all over the place.

Marley 065

Monday, April 20, 2009


I know that I previously declared that Monday's would be Mullet Mondays but it does not appear that peeps are in love with the mullet as much as me...based on the lack of feedback. So today I am gonna ramble a bit about motherhood and the fact Springbreak is over and the kiddos went back to school today...whew!
I have found that I am very similiar to my mother. This past week I hid upstairs most of the week cuz the kids took over my laptop and the tv to play Xbox games. It was just easier if they were happy, eventhough I was not. I stayed home so that their friends could be over so they were happy. My kids are supposed to be the ones to empty the dishwasher...I usually end up doing it because it is just easier that way. Am I a bad mom? Then when my husband kicks them out of the room, he appears to be the bad guy or when he notices me emptying the dishwasher he is the bad guy...just as my father always was. hmmmm I am actually like this with many relationships...I do not confront when something is not right I just stew and sometimes get over it and sometimes do not. What does it all mean?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009



Woo hoo it is RTT.
I have been a victim again of my procrastination...I just brought my tax crap to the cpa yesterday. Needless to say after the look I received from the young gal in the office she charged me $25 for an extenstion. I then had the nerve to ask her what the turn around time has been running....hehehehehe....she said 2 to 3 weeks. I apparently am not the only procrastinator. In years past I had an excuse...working full time, kids, husband, soccer...yada yada yada. This year no excuse! I am retired (laid off). I do still have the kids, husband and the yada yada yada.

Last week I went to see David Cook in Macon Georgia (my sis lives near there). When I was making the 4 hour trek to her house Wed afternoon I realized that she and I have never gone out before without kids or hubs entow. We should do it again someday soon! Anyways the concert itself was great...even though they did perform "Creep" - very disappointing. Anyways after the show we decided to emulate groupies and wait for DC to leave the building and get on the tour bus. I thought that was a bit odd for a woman of my years but what the hell.... If odd is decided based on the masses then it was not odd at all. There were peeps that have seen 15 DC shows on this tour and had 8 more shows planned....wtf. It was good but not that good! There was one young lady that had comboed this DC tour with touring colleges ...a great use of time I guess. One person made Easter eggs for the band members WOW. One lady that was waiting for DC's exit of the building was stating that she recalls her first concert in NY in '65 The Beatles (she was 9 then).

Did I tell everyone in blog land that I tried another attempt for the hairdresser to cut my hair into a bob...I apparently had problems communicating what I was looking for. So now the result is a icky shag cut that I DO NOT LIKE! I know we have all had bad haircuts, but this one is very icky...baseball caps are a groovy thing at this time. When I think about bad haircuts it brings be back to a doozy, when I was much younger my bff and I were booked on a cruise in a couple of weeks. Someone I worked with had heard me mention that I wanted to get a perm (I told you this was when I was much younger). See she was going to cosmetology school and she offered for me to go to the school. She would give me perm as practice to her and at a fraction of the normal cost. Have you ever heard of fishhooks? For those of you that do not know that term....all the ends of my hair were bent which creates a frizzy mess. Now that reflect on this I wonder why didn't I just get the ends trimmed. We went on the cruise with my yucky hair. You know who has a fabulous new doo...birthday girl Julie over at http://www.momspective.com/.

Have a great week everyone

Monday, April 13, 2009


MY BIRTHDAY 100_edited

My obsession with mullets even carries over to my appearance....I sometimes wear my Mullet wig at parties (or at the end of parties, if you know what I mean).
This is me at my 40th birthday party, at the very end of the night. Good times! It was a fabulous way to ring in my much dreaded birthday.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


When I was a little girl I used to wonder this about can goods....if hot things get "cold" and cold things get "hot" then when you open a can of greenbeans then what will it be hot or cold cuz in my mind it went back and forth. Obviously I did not know about room temperature at that time.

Now one of my wonders is about sense of direction since I have none. I have no idea which way is what if I do not have street signs. Why is it that some peeps have a great sense of direction and others do not. All the Oceanic survivors on Lost have a sense of direction, nobody ever gets "lost" in the woods or is it that they already are "lost" in the where and the when then they are already covered in the "lost" department.

Tomorrow night my sis and I are going to the David Cook concert in Macon, Ga. I am so hoping that he sings "Creep" by Radiohead. If you are a fan for either David Cook or that song, I highly recommend that you listen to this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNqTDQjAyRk

Last week I really have increased my blog reading. I have discovered a few new ones to add to my daily reading

check them out

Happy RTT!

Monday, April 6, 2009


It is the 2nd week of Mullet Monday and I am really excited about this speciman that I found on a cruise a few years ago. Often times we would see this speciman w/o a shirt while at the pool..yikes! It was especially special on "Formal night" when the mullet was dressed up. Hope you like this weeks Mullet Monday....share with your friends, send me your mullet sightings!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another beach bag...

Here is another beach bag I made on my Sunday afternoon.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Neighbors....Random Tuesday Thoughts


woohoo it is RTT day, how cool is it that Keely has made Tuesday a day for me to look forward to. Thks Keely

we used to have this neighbor where we used to live....very odd. I am having a brain fart as to where to start on this neighbor. He would wear that uniform during the day???? Even when his son was at school and other boys are at school, so we were never sure why. He would even mow the lawn in the uniform. The family had 2 kids, a boy and a girl both equally different. They never played outside; we never saw them ride a bike, play chase, scooter or catch bugs. Grandma lived there as well...then one day we did not see her anymore???? Now is the really off part...in the community that we lived in garbage pickup was a part of the HOA dues. They NEVER put out their garbage can on garbage day, just recycling. Why? It is already paid for...where is the garbage? Well after we moved to beautiful South Carolina we were told by another neighbor that they were caught dumping all their garbage in the backyard. Years worth of garbage in the backyard. Again, WHY? After watching "The Burbs" many times I have decided that well you know where I am going, remember the family member that just disappeared?
Now that a lot of families are downsizing, transferring to other cities to keep their jobs houses in our current neighborhood are up for sale which includes one of our neighbors. It's exciting and scary the same time....who we might get as a new neighbor. We could get a family like the one above. To say we are perfect neighbors would not be an accurate statement....we like to listen to our music rather loud on the back patio, we have a lot of stuff back there too which includes "redneck windchimes" that Chad gave us. Oh and my cockerspaniel Marley has a bit of a barking problem....she likes to bark at the birds and squirrels or anyone that walks by on the street. I will say though we like to have a goodtime and through an occasional party. New neighbors are like a box of chocolates....you never know what you are gonna get! So goodluck to the new neighbors whomever they may end up being.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Mullet Monday



Mullet Monday
This siting is my all time favorite for my collection. After siting a mullet 2 days in a row last week and not being prepared for the siting (having my camera with me, a big NoNo) I decided that Mondays would be Mullet Monday for my blog site.
Back to the above mullet, this siting took place in LAX airport. The mullet reminded me of Sonny Bono, what do you think? I am so excited that I have the opportunity to share this mullet with you. Next week I will post another from my collection. Please share any mullets that you have seen.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ramdom Tuesday Thoughts


I went to the eye dr yesterday and found out that the eye that has been bothering me (as well as the other eye) has UV Sun Damage official name is Pinguecula http://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/pinguecula.htm. For those that know me and have been getting to know me with Facebook and the blog I love to be in the sun. The dr said that it wasn't one occurance in the sun but years and years of exposure, living on a pool deck when I was younger. Now I need to make sure that I always have sunglasses on with UV protection. I am a dumb dumb because I always thought that sunglasses were more for fashion and comfort rather than a must for eye health. Also everytime I used the allergy eyedrops that I had at home I was irritating it more because the antihistimine was drying the eye...I now have a bottle of lubricating eyedrops.
We had a great weekend with our buddies that live in Ohio. Carolyn and I had coffee at Panera Bread while the rest of peeps slept...we love our "coffee talks". It does not matter how long it has been since the last and we just pick up wherever we left off. For lunch we went to TBones on the lake and beverages and appetizers while sitting in the sun (see I am in the sun a lot!). When we got home we sat on the back pation in the sun. The kids played "ambush" running around the backyards. It was nice to see my kiddos finally outside running around in the sunshine instead of playing XBox.
I have been stressing a bit lately about Mikayla...see she tends to be a bit of a hyporcondriac...we know it and just deal with it. I took her to the doctor a couple of weeks ago because she thought her toe was broken, since we were going to the dr I told her to make a list of all of her ailments. We had her thigh hurts, belly hurts, ankles hurt, headache..... This doctor looked at me like I was the biggest B because of I was making light of all Mikayla's "issues". She asked me questions like "How often, how long....". I don't know the answers I just know that everyday is something new. Which is a big reason that I don't believe her most of the time. Now this dr wants me to watch for frequency and make note of it. Talked about blood tests and other testing. One day Mikayla did the belly ache thing and I shooed her out the door to catch the bus. About noon I get the call from the school that she has vomited in class and I need to come for her...I feel terrible because I didn't believe her. How am I supposed to know????? Last week the belly ache was the ailment, so do I believe her? I send her to school after telling her to try and go, if she feels bad to go to the clinic and I would come get her...the school called at 1:30. This morning she had the belly ache (she is in her bed). To add to all of this fun, she has had some issues with her bff. She is now the 3rd wheel, she is not invited to the birthday party, only called upon for playing when the former 3rd wheel is not available. The bff is in most of Mikayla's classes. Are the belly aches anxiety related due to these social challenges? Most of time I am totally comfortable on how to handle the kiddos...I don't know what to do. I can't fix this. I have been told that the kids have been saying that Mikayla is too bossy, that she wants them to do what she wants them to do. Sounds like me, not as a child but now. So what do I do?
I am watching IceAge...the little squirel character cannot catch a break. The whole time he is trying to get the acorn. It rolls away, flips away, flies away. The squirel is very tenacious and persistent.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Random Tuesday Thoughts


Okay kiddos here goes my 2nd attempt at Ramdom Tuesday Thoughts.
I am sitting here in my chair listening to the birds chirpin and low and behold I see a glow coming from outside through the windows...holy doo doo it is the sun. If you are anywhere on the East Coast you are wondering the same as me...what could that be- It is the SUN! The birdies are singing their victory song that they did not have to go up a ramp 2 by 2 on the ark during all the recent rain. I have been in a funk the last few days is it because of the rain...well hey yes it is! It could be on shallow level or deep whichever you choose. First the rain canceled my camping trip, second I have not been able to sit on the back patio to listen to tunes in the sunshine...so is the funk from not getting to do the things that I want to do or is it cuz rain can cause a funk?
Why do my doggies tear up their favorite toy everytime I replace it? They love this toy..a stuffed lamb that we refer to as lammie. I have replaced it 3 times and right now Corona is lying down with her paw on the hollowed out lammie the 3rd. I don't have a backup to lammie the 3rd, the only place that I can find lammies is on ebay. Corona is in a funk today too, cuz her buddy Marley is at the vet...she just seems lonely.
Why do delivery trucks and school buses think that they are exempt from speedlimits in our neighborhood? Everyday they zoom by at a speed much greater than the 20 mph listed in our neighborhood. I have mentioned this several times to the FMPD they tell me that they will put speed traps up to curve this behavior but this has not happened. What if little Johnny was playing out there? It could happened, especially today cuz the SUN is out!
Hey everyone, who is having corned beef and cabbage today? I am I am I am, of course only I will be having this treat in this house cuz nobody else here will eat it. This reminds me of when Roger and I were first dating. We both lived in Florida. I asked him one day what would he like me to make him, his response was "brisket". Okay my thoughts were since this was something I really liked and mom made many times before. So I trotted to the grocery store and purchased the "brisket", cabbage and potatoes. I get back to his apartment and put all of the goodies in a pot of water. He comes in and asks what am I doing? I reply "making brisket". He says "my mother doesn't make it that way", I say "well my mother does". Fast forward to dinner time. I put his "brisket", cabbage and potatoes on a plate and he takes a bite of the meat and makes an odd face. And procedes to tell me that it is not what he was expecting. I guess everyone should have realized that Roger and I could endure almost anything if we were able to make it through that! It was not until he brought me home to meet his family in Texas and we had brisket did I realize what "brisket" he wanted me to make. Who would have ever thought a piece of meat could be so different depending on where you live.
The vet just called and they said that Marley's anal glands need to be cleaned....ewwwwweee that is gross. This is a job that I cannot imagine doing. I am sure she is not going to be happy when I pick her up and she will discover that Lammie is now hollow.
I am going out tonight with CoolMom Julie and will be consuming Green Beer! Yahoooooooo

Friday, March 13, 2009

St. Pattys Day Celebration in Baxter

Hey everyone what are you doing tomorrow night? That is if you are from around here (Fort Mill). Tomorrow night the local town of Baxter is hosting their annual St. Patricks Day Celebration. In the past they have had green beer and live music. This event offers some of the best people watching around. For instance one year one of the band members had a curly mullet. If you are someone that knows me well, you know that I have kinda of an obsession with mullets-no I do not like them as a style choice, I just get a big kick out of them. So anyways the year of the mullet band member I removed the advertisement poster from the restaurant window and asked the band member to autograph it. His girlfriend was not impressed!
If you are up to some ok music, good green beer and great people watching I will see you there!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Random Tuesday Thoughts


Ba ba ba my debut with Random Thoughts Tuesday…my favorite blog day on many sites.

Today I was out and about getting stuff for our possible camping trip this weekend… the thing is we are not sure whether we are gonna get to go. It is supposed to rain..boo. I have missed going camping and seeing the beach. Having the sand between my toes. Listening to the waves crash into the shore. My sister, brother in law and Eli are planning on going with us… I can’t wait to see Eli play in the sand, run along the shore and just hang with him. Eli is my 2 ½ year old nephew that I absolutely adore, he knows who I am now when he sees me “Auntie!”, though it sounds like “E T”.
When I tell you’ll that we are going camping I am not suggesting that we will roughing it…campsite must have running water and electricity. Showers close by are also a requirement for me. I don’t like to be hot or extremely cold…I take all the conveniences from home to be comfortable. But we are camping! The kids do not have Xbox or the laptop. Satellite tv will not be a part of their weekend. We will play card games, talk, listen to music…and of course people watch.
I am thinking about getting my hair cut short...the style I am thinking about all day I kept seeing it today (or did I just notice it cuz I am considering?). What should I do? I need Nick from "What Not To Wear", he would know what to do. Until I get the nerve I will be sporting my same ol same ol hair doo.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

King Cake

This year I made my first King Cake. First we had Andiolle Sausage and Shrimp Gumbo, which I also made and then King Cake. I tried to make Hurricanes but didn't have all passion fruit juice (I didn't know where to find it). I really recommend trying this King Cake recipe next year.

Friday, February 20, 2009

What I want to be when I grow up.....

Lately, since I have now been "retired" for a year, I have been thinking what do I want to be when I grow up? Certain questions come to mind....what would I enjoy to do? what will be profitable in this economy? what would be fun? Fun is one of the most important to me, if I am not having fun while at work then well it is not any fun! Sounds simplistic but many times in a work enviroment people get too caught up what they think they should be...be yourself. So back to what I want to do, I love to make things....sewing purses, photo albums, scrapbooking and take lots of pictures. One of my most recent addictions is to bake and decorate cupcakes. At first it started using boxed cakemixes..those are good, but I have been told my scratch items are very yummy. I love to make fun cakes for family and friends for events and I am just delighted to see their face the first time they see my creation. Then when they taste it, even better. For the superbowl, we went to a party at CoolMomGuide...Julie's house and I made a cake that even had color coordinated fans. For Nascar I have dreamed up a cake for that event, so if anyone is interested in ordering one...give me a shout. I also love to plan parties and to entertain. So in the meantime I have started my own business with Southern Living at Home...this provides some of desires in a job...and I really love the product.
What should I be when I grow up?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My 18th Anniversary

Yesterday was my husband and my 18th anniversary. After the kids left for school we went for breakfast at Cracker Barrel (my favorite), I even splurged and had 1 1/2 pancakes----heaven. Then later we went to Hooters (my choice) for wings and beer. A perfect day.
Today which was also my husbands day off.... we spent the day hanging out on the back patio in the jacuzzi catching some rays while listening to Bob Marley. For dinner we had ribs that he slowly grilled all day. What another perfect day.
There weren't any flowers, there weren't any cards, chocolates or jewelry. But we had such a wonderful time just hanging out together doing what we love to do. I remember back when we were first married (we were pretty young), when other coworkers of mine would get flowers delivered on their anniversaries or Valentines day I would become so envious and wonder why their guy would be so romantic when mine wasn't. Well over the years after watching that bouquet of flowers be delivered I no longer watch in envy. I am happy for them and even happier for me for the husband that I have and our relationship!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Gorgeous South Carolina day

It was a beautiful day today. The kids and I took a bicycle ride today....not so easy, but it was nice to breath in the fresh air, feel the sunshine. Tomorrow is supposed to be as nice...wonder what activity we can participate in outside? When we rode by the park all the young families were enjoying the nice weather and playground.

Friday, February 6, 2009

My little elf...on Halloween 2008.

The first posting

This posting is the first of what I hope to many. Thank you Julie (coolmomguide.com) to inspire and encourage me to give this a try. If nobody ever reads this, maybe that will be ok, I will just use to compile thoughts, pics, adventures, etc....